Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My precious, you're growing up so fast

Posted by Natrah at 1:17 AM
My Dear Yaya,
You are now 8 mths old....

1. You are probably start to walk. You can stand on your own for a few seconds

2. You called Mama as 'ammaa'…hundreds of time per day

3. You love to talk a lot in your own baby language.

4. You say 'mamam' when you see your plate and able to eat in your own.

5. You know how to throw bye2 and flying kiss (if in good mood)

7. Start to recognise people - be anxious around strangers.

8. Take Mama's comb and pretend to comb your hair

9. You start to explore toys..throw,squeeze and put inside your mouth..

10. You poo2 two to four times per day.

11. You drink four to five bottles of 'nenen' at night.

12. You don’t like to be inside babywalker, but love to walk from the outside.

13. You look so charming when you smile and show off your 2 teeth.

A lot more to describe you...watching you grow day by day has been such an amazing experience.

Pantang kalo jumpa kerusi,bakul kain atau apa2 ja yg sama tinggi ngan Yaya, mesti nk tolak..walker pon main tolak dr luar ja, xmo naik kt dalam.

nyum2..dah bole makan sendiri. Tapi, mama mesti concentrate tgk Yaya, tak bole ralit sbb nnt Yaya sumbat semua masuk mulut..

"Ala, mama....payahnya nk amik Spagethi ni..licinnn...".
Spagethi ni, aku rebus punya la lama sampai kembang setaman..

Ni la cara paling best bergerak..kalo stroller dia kt shopping mall pon dia suka kalo bagi dia tolak ja...sronok dapat jalan, mesti rasa cam doh big boy - bole jalan cam org len..hehhe, perasan.



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